About RSGC

Admin Team
Dr. Michael Stein - Canada
Dr. Naveen Cavale - United Kingdom
Dr. Zavira Henize- Netherlands
Dr. Luke Sheen - South Africa
Dr. Meklit Berhane- Ethiopia
The Resident Global Surgery Collaborative (RGSC) was first developed in 2015 by a plastic surgery resident in Ottawa, Canada trying to balance the demands of a busy residency with meaningful engagement in global surgical care. The RGSC has since grown exponentially with trainees across the globe realizing that consistent and meaningful engagement in global surgical care need not require the resources and time commitment of international missions.
The RGSC offers a low-fidelity educational tool providing a much needed platform for international collaboration and bidirectional learning between developed and developing countries.
Online meetings for surgical registrars are held every 3 months and typically accompanied by 1 or 2 consultant surgeons. Meetings are typically 45 minutes long and organized such that attendees represent a range of diverse surgical settings. During the meeting, 2 to 3 cases are presented by the participants and discussed within the group. Attendees have the opportunity to exchange surgical approaches, literature and clinical experiences.